Baked Stuffed Eggplant. SUYA GOLD FIRE SPICE RUB

Eggplant 2 medium (1/2 per person)
Bacon 500 grams (optional)
Garlic 4 cloves
Shallots 1 large fine chopped
Olive oil
Fresh tomato x 2 chopped
Continental parsley fine chopped
Mozzarella Cheese
Parmesan Cheese
Salt pinch to taste
Scoop out the flesh from the eggplants , chop the flesh and combine in a bowl with diced bacon, garlic, shallots & tomato.
Season the eggplant shell with a little SUYA GOLD FIRE SPICE RUB and salt.
Fry the mixture in a pan with olive oil until soft.
Add the mixture into the shell, top with mozzarella, parmesan , breadcrumbs and Suya Gold FIRE, sprinkle with parsley and olive oil bake for 30-40 mins on 180 c until soft.
Baked Stuffed Eggplant